
3:49 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I found out yesterday that I have to pack and have my things at HQ by Monday A.M. Take a guess at what I'll be doing this weekend? :-) On the upside, I will be completely packed a week before I leave. A lot of this experience has felt unorganized and not very well communicated, I hope that is NOT the case once we get to Africa........ I will say that working with the state (as foster parents) has been good preparation for this experience, I'm used to not knowing much and going with the flow.
I've been asked a lot lately if I'm nervous,,,,,Nope! I am excited. I also think that as the person leaving, I am so consumed with preparing I'm not thinking of much else. I know that I'm going to get on the plane and wonder if I forgot to do something related to the husband and seven little ones I'm leaving behind! As far as my family goes, I do feel very organized and well prepared for them to be cared for in my absence. I definitely could not do it without many of you helping!